
Currently hiring a lead teacher to work mornings in our Pre-Kindergarten class.


  • 21+ years or older.
  • 18 credits in ECE, including 3 credits in child growth & development
  • 1000+ hours working with children in licensed early education program


Responsibilities to Families:

Lead teachers are responsible to converse with parents when it is most comfortable for the family, but especially at drop off and pick up times.  Interactions will be professional and personal at the same time.  Lead teachers will communicate with families through conversations and written notes.  Lead teachers will be responsible for written and online communication to share details of the child’s day, program details, and monthly activities.  Lead teachers will meet with parents for conferences on biannual portfolios and at the request of the parent.

Responsibilities to Children:

Lead teachers, in conjunction with other staff, will plan a curriculum that helps to foster positive self concept by valuing each child’s ideas and allowing children freedom to explore the environment,  developing social skills by offering a variety of choices and encouraging independent play, enhance physical and emotional development by promoting problem solving and appropriate risk taking, and encourage creative expression and appreciation for the arts by giving ample opportunities for creative expression and permitting children to get messy during play.

Teachers will value each child in their differences, temperament, interests, and learning styles.  Teachers will encourage children  to share life experiences and culture in group discussions and play.  Teachers will be responsible to set up the environment  with various materials to share such experiences with items including books, artwork, dramatic play items, art and cooking activities. Teachers will make sure the environment is well organized and clean so children know what to expect.

Teachers are responsible for the health and safety of the children including but not limited to basic first aid, CPR, toilet training, diapering, and providing healthy food choices.

Responsibilities for Professional Growth:

  • Teachers will apply and receive Lead Teacher Credential Level 4 within 90 days of hire.
  • Maintain First Aid & CPR
  • Participate in 30 hours of trainings, workshops, college courses in early childhood areas.
  • Hold NAEYC membership


Please contact Laura Sheehan for further details.
